General Information: Provides information resources, answers questions and provides guidance during the artistic process.
Fiscal Sponsorship: Through this service, artists from any state can secure donations and grants under our non-profit umbrella. This allows tax deductibility for the contribution and tax exempt status for the artist.
Funding: A two year grant cycle that provides seed money and/or finishing funds for projects meeting our high standards.
Financing: Bridge loans, equipment leasing, and incorporation services to qualifying artists.
Consultancy: We are long time supporters of and consultants to The Golden Trailer Awards, New York City's urban storytelling venue The Moth, and the Short International Film Festival.
Currently in development:
A Writers' Retreat; an International Filmmakers Symposium for Women Filmmakers; and a new paradigm for a completely not-for-profit, narrative feature film where all proceeds go to charities related to the film's content.